Comments (46)
yes this mod IS BAD, dont get me wrong. but instead of shitting on it, ill try to give some actual advice to help in the future. (the 2d sprites look amazing btw)
the last two songs in the first week are extremely out of key and repetitive, try learning a bit more about music theory. might i recommend this video?
the week two songs are actually REALLY good imo, however the vocals seem a bit too quiet for the song, might have to turn them up. also song two seems a tiny bit too repetitive.
the 3d art needs a bit of work. they do look pretty good, but they do need a bit of fixing.
the charting on the final song of week three needs a LOT of work, 130bpm 1/4 chordjacks are not fun with gimmick notes.
the screen effect on the distortions, i mean, "ditortions" week make the week almost impossible to read, combine that with the absurd health drain its impossible to beat.
i feel like you could make a lot of great stuff. just because your mod got a lot of hate doesnt mean you should stop. once you learn more and more you start getting better and better.
Hello everyone! I am friends with 2 of the workers on this mod and I am going to give my opinion from my perspective. (Btw, sorry for the Bad English i'm using traductor.)
Yes, the mod has its bad things, and the work of others is lazy on several occasions. But, all those who work on this mod are minors, some of them did not even have experience working on a fnf mod. I know they should have chosen more experienced people, but it's hard to get this kind of people for underage people working on a mod that probably wouldn't touch a stick.
For the stolen assets, I'm so sorry, that REALLY sucked.
I loved this mod since I worked on it. but although I have not gotten along with some of those who work there.
The opinions of others will always be accepted and welcome as long as they are respectful. I don't want to defend this mod with sword and shield, but I would like you to see this from another perspective.
all these errors and recommendations that you told us will be corrected and added in v2!(I... Hope.)
i hate the fact people are saying mean things about this mod.
only a few songs are bad
the others are good
and sillyfangirl osu made everything worse
I just wanted to say that this mod is really good, dont listen to silly :|