Comments (61)
hola me gustaria jugar tu fan game pero vey que lo cancelaste :( dime si todavia lo estas hasiendo plssss
....hoos Freddy and hoos Joy?
This game looks great! I'll wait until it comes out the complete version :D
hmm... I have a couple things to say here. First up, the character models look really good. It seems like you used low poly models so that lower PCs could play it, but that's really useless being that it IS a Blender game, so that should be changed a little bit. Also, it seems like you're struggling with the light types, so I would suggest either making the whole place dark or light. As I stated before, you should use high poly models to give the game a TON more depth and quality. Also, the place seems empty and lifeless, so you should add a lot more props such as carts, presents, drinks, that type of thing. Something that's casual and can easily be implemented around the whole map. The floor has almost crystal clear reflection, and it's wide ranged too, so I would make that more blurry and less reflective. The game looks way too colorful, so I would make it seem more like FNAF1, where the characters could have multiple poses in the same camera. The cameras should also decrease color a lot, and so the place would seem more creepy and alive, but dead at the same time. Anyways, hope this helps your game!
P.S. Despite all the criticism, this game looks like it has amazing potential and I would love to see this in the future!
EnglishYear 2012, you are a security guard named henry, who works at Fredd and Joy restaurant, while it seems that animatronics can move and go for us while we try to survive with the help of our office, cameras and doors while a strange entity The telephone guy tells us about the past of an old factory and the relationship between it and the restaurant, you can discover the mystery that surrounds that place?
EspañolAño 2012, eres un guardia de seguridad llamado henry,el cual trabaja en Fredd and Joy restaurant,mientras que parece que los animatronicos pueden moverse y van por nosotros mientras tratamos de sobrevivir con ayuda de nuestra oficina,cámaras y puertas mientras una extraña entidad nos asecha,el tipo del teléfono nos cuenta ha cerca del pasado de una vieja fabrica y la relación que hay entre ella y el restaurante ,podrás descubrir misterio que rodea a este lugar?
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Crass Humor