Comments (59)
hi, big thx for the game, greetings from rosti 😀
mfw when gcan make video game
I like the vibe here. Reminds me of The Deep Sleep series.
no dad dont take away the internet
A Night with Gcan: Prologue
The official release of the game, including a Mac and Android download.
Some Important Notes:
The Mac port hasn't actually been playtested since neither me nor @rD_NickF
actually have a Mac to test the game on. So, if you are a Mac user and encounter any glitches, please let us know!
The game also has controller support! It supports both Xbox controllers and PlayStation 4 controllers. Here are the controls if you are using a controller:
RT / R2 - Use Gas Box
LT / X / L2 / Square - Charge / Fire Taser
Left Stick (horizontal) - Look Around
Left Stick (vertical) - Switch Cameras
A / X - Select
...and that's pretty much it, have fun :)
What is A Night with Gcan: Prologue?
A Night with Gcan: Prologue is a remake / re-imagining of a Scratch game I made 5 years ago called "A Night with Gcan". If you wish to play the original and maybe even the second one, feel free to check out "A Night with Gcan: The Collection" here (requires Scratch to play): https://gamejolt.com/games/ANWG/491693
"You stole [this and this] mechanic from [other FNAF fan game]!!!11!1!"
It should be remembered this is a remake of a FNAF fan game I made 5 years ago, so as one might expect, not everything is 100% original but I tried my best to refine the game as much as I could to make it far better.
"Will you remake the second A Night with Gcan game?"
Good question. As of right now, I don't know. I remade this game because a friend of mine suggested I should remake it and I said "good idea" because A Night with Gcan 1 had actual potential to be good but I'm not so sure about A Night with Gcan 2. Barely anything feels inspired about it and if I did remake it, I'd probably either have to choose between making a completely new game that's barely recognizable from the original product, if recognizable at all, or remaking A Night with Gcan 2 exactly how it was but having a bad game as a result.
"Why a self-insert?"
Again, this is a remake of a game I made 5 years ago. If I had made it today, I would've done things much differently, trust me.
"What about a third game?"
Whoa there, pal, let's not jump the gun here. But if you really want to know, I don't know if a third game will ever come to light. The third game to complete the trilogy has been pretty much stuck in development hell for ages now and I'm not sure if it will ever see the light of day. It could happen but I wouldn't count on it.
"Why does my anti-virus detect this game as a virus?"
Do not worry, this game is not a virus. In fact, almost all Clickteam games have this issue where the anti virus detects the game as a virus. This is referred to as a "false positive" and can easily be fixed by white listing the .exe file on your antivirus.
"Does this game support Xbox Controllers?"
: Heya! Allow me to answer this one question. Hell yeah you can play this game with not only just an Xbox controller, but also with a Sony Dualshock 4 (v2, via USB, probably) aswell without having to use DS4Windows or something like that!
"Will this game be available on [INSERT OPERATING SYSTEM OF A DEVICE HERE]?"
: The game is built for Windows, Mac OS and Android, and that's about enough platforms that are supported. Anything else? Nah. Sorry to disappoint.
Credits and Special Thanks:
[co-created under @CatalystStudiosOfficial ]
- Main Developer, Coder, Artist, Director
@spookman_ / @SunkenStudios
/ @rD_NickF
- Helped with Coding
/ @JNityle / @FazieFunbear
/ @TheresNoSteak
/ @spookman_ / @rD_NickF
/ @PumpkinHook
- Feedback and Support
Tags (feel free to ignore): #fnaf #fangame #horror #retro #survival #pointnclick #strategy #other
Mild Realistic Violence