
Hopefully I fixed the problem with the rgss102e.dll missing thing. dll is now included with the folder. also dont forget to install the included font or the text won't show up.
This is a TEST DEMO of post-apocalyptic/cyberpunk thing I've been working on. There's maybe 30ish minutes of game play I believe, your mileage may vary. It's relatively open world, or I guess the closed world is relatively open ended. You can do pretty much whatever you want. With the finished product you should be able to completely ignore the main storyline if you wanted to and go do and see whatever the Freezone has in store for you. That's down the line though. Don't worry about my speculations.
Please remember this is a TEST DEMO. Only the first bit of storyline, a small portion of the overworld, and like two or three mission are available right now. There's bound to be incomplete maps, bugs, and typos out the ass. Just ignore them and focus on what's important: the characters, the (general) pacing (or lack-there-of), and what you discern to be the direction the game is taking. I would like feedback. If that game's too easy, lemme know. If it's too hard or plain unfair, tell me. If you like something, hate something, or have any questions about anything relating to the game, gimme a shout. Anything you have to say about it is good news.
Sorry I'm rambling. It's fucking 5:17AM and I'm running on maybe 4 hours of sleep and I'm out of cigarettes. I plan for the FULL AND COMPLETE version of APATHY to be available within the next week or two. If you like what you see keep an eye out for updates.