
Comments (34)

What do you think?

The game's good, but I have a question. In the "Party" menu, it looks like I can have 8 party members on my team at once. But when I already have 4 members on my team, it says I can't recruit more. Is the 8 members thing for the Baby Summons or no?

That was AMAZING and in the end when we fight DeeDee. For second when we entered the office I thought that we will fight golden Freddy. But we also fought scrap Baby what does that mean? Is this game continues the (FnaFb: Scrap Baby's revenge? I got no idea.

F*ck boy rateing 8.5/10

pros-feels realy good to actualy have a choice who can be in your party

the models look good for the ar charicters(i cant spell that well)

well balance hard (whitch means it is "hard" but it feels really good to beat a high lvl enemy

cons-requires a looot of grinding but im use to it in these games (this isnt a con to me)

(not part of the rating) love the jse refrence

would recomend it to a friend

i forgot to mention the fire chica dosent get skills even at lvl10 (is that a bug or something?)

i really liked the jacksepticeye joke

Dunno what @botbow1111 is on about with cameras being "too hard", weapons and equipment "too bad" and there being "too little rooms".

I mean cams are obviously supposed to be beaten once you got your team to max level and max equipment, least that's the way I did it.

Furthermore equipment and such are as good as they're gonna good considering this game has no "ultimate armour or weapons".

"Too little rooms"? I reckon there are enough to harbour all the different "non-canon skin" animatronics.

I do have some actually legit points to bring up though :

  • Scorched Chica has no skills;

  • Shamrock Freddy can use Highfive Smack outside of battle;

  • There was this weird "lol you thought I was gonna let you have two Babies in your party too bad" part but it was pointless as I got two Babies anyway;

  • It makes no sense Flamethrower Endo can paralyze you with a move called "Torched", why not Burn instead?

  • Broiler Baby can use Burning Hell outside of battle;

  • Either you cannot find all 7 Flaming Bidybabs, or it's possible to screw up Bidybab hunting for one of the two Babies by talking to a Bidybab counterpart before you found all the other ones;

    In my situation I had both 8-bit Baby and Boiler Baby in my party, found a Burned Bidybab, talked to it, then came across an 8-bit Bidybab, talked to it and after that the only things I could find were 8-bit Bidybabs even after finding all 7 of them;

  • Game Over Toy Chica's Killing Death can be used outside of battle;

  • The Boiler Room Cam has an ungodly amount of HP (could be 999999) even for a level 5 cam. After hitting it for over 100k damage with G.O. Toy Chica, it lost only around 15% of it's HP. :V

  • It's completely possible to break the Puppet Man. When he comes (he's in the process of his OWOWOWOWOWOWO), all you need to do is move a few rooms and he'll never come/find you;

  • Whenever you use a Cake, it's annoying your party menu gets cancelled

  • It might be an idea to make the gang of your first and second game a bit more resistant to freeze as they are SO cheesable with Frozen March which is hard NOT to do as it's one of the only AoE moves available to you and Frozen Freddy is an obligatory head of your party.

    Should you go this route, adding Lollipops to the Office shop might be required;

  • While it's nice you can re-assemble your party before the Rockstar and Lolbit gang, you should add a final opportunity for party swapping before the final boss, if only for consistency.

Overall I can tell you did what you could given the premise and having access to so many characters was unconventional for a FNAFB game (not regarding balance).

Definitely was fun to level them all up to Max and get their best equipment through easy Omega Cardboard Box farming though it IS somewhat a shame so many characters have identical stats meaning they "do or die" entirely by their skillset.

The game really pulled out it's best moments between the final camera and the lackluster credits, good job on those fights in terms of execution and concept!

However overall Lolbit's DS is still your best game so far, with this in second place.

It's just a shame endings seem to be your biggest weakness. I mean your FNAF6 was so shit I didn't get to see the ending, Lolbit's was very abrupt and this one technically didn't even have an ending at all, least of all credits because you once again got lazy RIGHT at/after the finish line.

If you are gonna pump out more games after your break, I hope to see you make this final effort before publishing them.


Five nights at fuckboy's AR

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago
Full game

Five nights at fuckboy's AR UPDATE

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago

Join Freddy frostbear and his friends of non canon people to shit on cameras and get to the final boss to become a canon character.


Freddy frostbear

shamrock Freddy

other holiday characters


a puppet!

cardboard boxs


new skills!

new spirts!

new face plates

and more! #fnaf #horror #fivenightsatfreddyfuckboys #rpg #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor
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