Comments (5)
THIS GAME IS SOO COOL!!!..... sorry i cannot lie, this game is fucking gay... I'd rather chop my arm off and fuck myself with my dittached lim than play another milisecond of this game. I could use than fucking music to turture retards babys and make it kill themselves. 5/5
Very interesting idea, it's a quite cool concept! Unfortunally it lack polish and the controlls are very confusing! Anyway it has potential! Good work, keep it up!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Interesting game. Add some pictures of it to gamejolt. I included it in part 32 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

5/5. So random + game breaking glitch/trick is always cool thing to find.
Arcade Runner Super Turbo
NOTE: Due to inexperience with the GameJolt API, there is a bug where you cannot log in, because you get logged automatically before the prompt appears. Just close the log in window and play. Your score will be recorded
To play the webplayer version in chrome, type chrome://flags/#enable-npapi into the address bar, then click "enable"
Code and sprites by miracleJester, WaunMan and c4p1v4r4
Arcade Cabinet is a modified version of this free 3d model: