Comments (2)
Three problems. 1) Sonic is waaaaaaaaaay to slick. He carries to much momentum that even a tap left or right sends him several feet in said direction. 2) The springs are bugged. Sometimes I can bounce on them once and sometimes I can forever. However, that is random on how many times I can jump on them. In Marble Zone there's a set of springs near a portal. However, I cannot get up them all because every time I want to move left or right I don't bounce on the spring and instead fall back down. 3) The map. The yellow square that represents you doe not follow the layout of the map at all.
umm ok when choosing julies or ashe i cant continue the game sadily
Aria of Destiny (Demo)
There are three aspects of the multiverse which keep everything in check. Creation, Existance, and Destruction. These aspects revolve in harmony with each other. However, evil can disrupt this balance, and now it intends to use the aspect of destruction to eliminate existance, and halt creation…
Greetings, and welcome to Aria of Destiny, a crossover fan game that crosses over various series, too many to list here without bloating the page, though it includes Mega Man, Castlevania, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros., Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI. This was something I made for my Multimedia Major Project back in high school, and as it happens, this demo was what I handed in, but I’m still gonna continue working on this game.
Though, I admit, I'm not gonna progess with the engine as it is now. I'm working on a new engine, based of classic Sonic movement, which will give me a lot more control over what characters can do, and be able to do more complex movements such as rotational slope movement (eg. Sonic-style loops). I also intend to re-design the levels and the mechanics in general, moving away from an experience style of levelling up and towards "levelling up via equipment". Plus, the re-done game may be episodic in nature. But still, this demo is still a taste of what I was aiming for, even if it is buggy and some parts aren't well-designed.
This game is made in Construct, which I've been working with for a while, and I think it's awesome, if a bit buggy since it's still in beta. Still, my game, as of the current demo, is by no means perfect, sure, the animations are a tad wonky and some enemies act utterly retardedly, for example, I haven’t fully mastered Construct, but I worked hard to try and come up with something that’s at least enjoyable, and I will continue working on it with the new engine.
This is a Metroidvania, a platforming game which only limits you to your character’s abilities – exploration is not only possible, but reccomended! There are five playable characters in the current demo – Ashe, Julius Belmont, Sonic the Hedgehog, Wario, and Crono. The latter three are unlockable. They have sub-weapons, also akin to Castlevania, which you can switch and use. If you find them, that is.
Also, this game is compatible with the Xbox 360 wireless controller, and has a settings app which allows you to configure controll bindings, as well as settings for stuff like whether you want to use subweapons using Up+Attack or not.
For quick-play, controls:
Menu Controls:
Advance Cutscene: Z
Select: Space
Change Selection = Arrow Keys
Game Controls:
Move left/right: Arrow Keys
Interact with Portals, NPCs, save points, signs, etc: Up
Jump: Z
Drop Through Platforms: Down+Z
Attack: X
Sub-Attack: Up+X (or for particular attacks, Down+Control in the air)
Sub-Attack (Sonic): X
Switch Sub-Attack: C
Crouch (Julius, Ashe): Down
Slide (Julius): Down+Space
Dash (When unlocked): V
Assist Summon (When Unlocked): B
Mega Merge (Ashe): S
Toggle Pause: P
Toggle Map: M
So, journey on to a world of memories!
ANOTHER NOTE: The demo has a crash bug which I never fixed, but it is by no means game-breaking, thankfully, at worst a nuisance. The bug normally occurs if you revisit any area beyond Marble Zone in a single ‘session’ (for example, Phantasie -> Hideout -> Phantasie, it occurs when you return to Phantasie, but if you save in the hideout, restart the game, re-load, then go to Phantsie, it won’t crash). Thankfully, the placement of save points prevents this from becoming anything more than a nuisance, just save often, and if you end up crashing, just restart and keep going where you left off (or skip the crash and just restart). I will make sure that this won't happen again when I continue the game in the new engine.
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans