Comments (4)
I love your game ! That's incredible !!! Sounds like an improved Space Harrier. But for now, I won't get on scoreboards... Great game after all.
I did better than you.

Too bad the audio isn't in sync with the aiming bar :(
Game Soundtrack
Guardians Of Lodino Forest - Main theme

As requested, here is "Guardians Of Lodino Forest" (G.O.L.F. for short), a game about shooting an armed golf ball into submission and then striking it for a hole in one. For this task, you are equipped with the Lodino rifle: a hybrid between a golf club and an assault rifle.

18 holes
4 environments
6 bullet hell patterns
Dynamic difficulty
WASD/arrow keys: move (move forward for improved speeds)
Left click/ space bar: shoot
F4: toggle fullscreen (exe only)
Escape: quit game (exe only)
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