Comments (3)
tbh game could be little bit longer, but still good game with a good story, that makes you think (at least ending does).
A very deep and thoughtful introspection on life. I honestly wasn't quite expecting to be dragged through the emotional wringer quite so much, but I'm not complaining about it by any means!
The set-up is great, it starts out so seemingly simple and branches out into a laid-bare, tell-all experience with a creeping tension building up in the background. A feeling in the back of your mind that everything here isn't quite as it seems. A lump in the throat that you can't swallow. All whilst hearing about someone's life. Their experiences. Their hopes. Their wants. Their needs. Their failures. Their loss.
I could have easily just summed this game up with a "Wow", but it honestly deserved much more than that.
Great job all round, hauntingly brilliant.

You're a private taxi driver.
You receive reservations.
Reach the pick-up point.
Then drive your clients toward their destination.
Tonight, you have to take a girl to a hotel.
But who is she?
Why is she going there?

**Warning: this game deals with strong themes not suitable for children.**
Asobi is a simpler take on our approach to Visual Novels.
Our aim was to develop a more focused and linear story
with the observational approach from Beyond Your Window,
and the theme of memories from Reverie.
Additionally, Asobi is inspired mainly by the movies of
Tsukamoto Shinya and Kon Satoshi,
and is dedicated to the latter in honour of the 10th anniversary of his death.
With this project we don't intend to offend or hurt anyone.
Our only intention is to tell a story, and not give a moral lecture.
We truly hope you'll like the simplicity
and all the feelings and ideas we wanted to convey
with this story.

Art: Gaia Papoila, Lidia Santoemma & Rinkaku
UI:Â Lidia Santoemma
Direction, Programming, Sound & Writing:Â Rinkaku