
Comments (2)

What do you think?

hey there. i was just browsing the new games sectin and saw ur game. i think its kinda cool, just maybe update the graphics and there is a bug that when ur tries are 0 you can still type until u hit enter. other wise its good


ATM Hacker

Version: 1.1.0about 9 years ago

ATM Hacker
A "guess-the-code" puzzle game

Imagine this: You walk up to an ATM and try doing a withdrawl from your account. The ATM glitches, and doesn't let you in. You get mad so you kick it, and in doing so, you open up the debug module and gain access to all other accounts. By guessing the PIN of other accounts and using hints along the way, you have the possibiltity to steal THOUSANDS without being detected. How much can you steal???

ATM Hacker is an ATM simulator in which you try to steal as much money as possible. You have 25 attempts, and 10 tries for each account. Each account starts at $1000, and goes down with every wrong try. Try to win as much as possible before your attempts run out!

Because the game runs through Java, it will run on almost everything. But if you're the kind of guy who likes lists, then here you go my friend.

  • Windows 7*, 8, 8.1, 10*

  • Mac OS X*

  • Linux* (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Fedora)

  • Raspbian* (for the Raspberry Pi)

Please Note:
This application uses Java8, and some systems don't have that installed by default. This makes the computer unable to open the game. To open it, all you have to do is go to
and scroll down to "8u66". Agree to the terms, and click your operating system.

* OS's with this symbol have been verified to work with ATM Hacker. If you have a question about compatibility, go ahead and ask.

Simulated Gambling

ATM Hacker Version 1.1.0: Highscores!


Hey guys! My newest game, *ATM Hacker*, has just been released! Basically, you guess the codes to accounts to win as much money as possible! How much can YOU steal?? Find out now!