Comments (10)
Gave the game a go
hey i played the test build and loved it! Sadly i was unable to record it due to mic issue but when this is a full game just like avarice i will be playing this as well.
Hey dude :3 I've been playing your game for a bit, and it's lots of fun
this game is a bit of fresh air from traditional shooters, I really enjoyed exchanging fire with the npc's instead of enemies firing tons of shots and even though you dodge you still get hit, these guys are different, it really makes you feel like an action hero dodging fire left and right,
this game was perfect for trying out my new pc controller I recently recieved too X3 I can tell you've put an astounding amount of work into this and it really shows, keep up the good work
found a bug where you can jump on the blue container that is left of first checkpoint and go out of bounds.Also maybe add more (mor obvious checkpoints cause i didnt found beetwwen first one and finding a rifle) cause i accidentaly returned to main menu and i had to replay everything.
hi, big thx for the cool demo. greetings from rosti
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NOTE: development on this game is currently paused; for more information visit this DevLog Post: https://gamejolt.com/games/avarice/474082/devlog/development-paused-for-avarice-eahtgazz
Avarice: The MachineScape is a retro-future, fps, dungeon crawler with a horror atmosphere.
The player will explore a hostile and sprawling industrial complex, where ancient constructs still wheeze and toil endlessly. Horrid things doomed to forever wander these tunnels and corridors strike at anything that seems out of place.
Venture deep into these obscure catacombs of steel and concrete, and witness the crimes and abominations of the greedy dead.
This game has been in active development since late 2019. There is currently no set in stone release date. The game is currently in Alpha; a free early access build of the game will be publicly playable until the project reaches Beta. Details yet to be determined.
I also plan on keeping a more active dev-log this time, so please follow me here on itch.io or on my social media:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtTkRWKbkl06fIRNlItQLJQ?view_as=subscriber
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/siristhedragon/?hl=en
My Twitter: @SirisTheDragon
Mouse: Look
WASD: Walk
Left Click: Primary Fire
Right Click: Alt Fire
Space: Jump (Hold Jump against low ledges to Clamber)
Left CTRL: Crouch
Left Shift: Sprint
Q: Use HealthPack
Number Keys/Mouse Wheel: Switch Weapon
F: Flashlight
E: Interact
Rec Specs: Windows 7-10 (64 bit), 2.3 GHz (or faster) Quad-core CPU. 4GB (or more) of RAM. DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 compatible graphics card.
#shooter #horror #retro #altgame #other #scifi #survival #action #dungeoncrawler #3D #unreal #ue4 #exploration #lowpoly #singleplayer #spooky #industrial
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Mild Language