
B-Daman Battle
B-Daman battle
When I was a 6-7 years old child I used to watch a show called Battle B-Daman.
I Loved that show.....
Now when I have grown 15 I was just remembering my old memories and I rembered about the show and decided to make a make on it and HERE IS IT.....
In this game you have to control a Bdaman and get involved in a Bdabattle. You can rotate your BDaman using mouse fire using Left Click and move using arrow keys. This game has a superb 3D graphics and not that easy to see and think and is a really hard game.
NOTE :This game requires OSA Kit Player to work. But no need to worry i will provide the link to download it. It's just about 140kb and installs superbly quick
Here's the blog with osakit player link