Comments (7)
Not what I expected, to be honest. You're pretty weird, ain't ya? Nah, it's all good, decent game overall. XD
Made a video about this game. Definitely enjoyed playing this. Looking forward for the full version! Anyways, the scene where a guy is drawing a naked woman & the part where the waiter slide the card up my ass, my recording didn't captured that. I don't if it is just me or the game. Overall the game is awesome!
This game is fantastic
Can't wait for the full version XD
Back to Felix
Game Soundtrack

I'm Ptimiya, nice to meet you.
This is my first game ever and I'm excited to share it with you guys!
All art and music is original and done by me (except one song by Zerocrossing and 2 standart sprites from RPGMaker).
You may like the game if you
Like story-driven games;
Like fart humor;
Like upexpected endings.
You may not like the game if you
Are easily offended;
Expect action or clever puzzles;
Sweat when forced to sing karaoke.

Wrapped up in a comedy, this rpg game is a psychological thriller, with a story-driven game-play.

The story takes place in Brighton - UK, where the guy named Felix lives.
He seems to be living his dream, having everything he ever wanted - wealth, fame and a cute girlfriend.
He even got himself a fountain.
One day, when his girlfriend Marzia was trying to cook a perfect salmon cupcake while he was cleaning up the mess that she did, Felix's mother emerged into town.
Mom believes that her son has a mental decease and tries to put him into a psychiatric clinic.
While Felix doesn't agree with his mom, he tries to figure out her motives.
As the story goes, our protagonist begins to understand that if something is too good to be true - it probably is.
He now has to face a life changing decisions and sacrifice everything he holds dear for the sake of the people who love him.
Song "Brain for Food" - by Zerocrossing.
Shayoko - proofreading and testing.
Additional scripts: Woratana, Victor Sant, Dirs8, Yanfly, Modern Algebra, Lemony, Seer UK.