
Comments (8)

What do you think?

bom mano, eu zerei aqui (ou fui ate onde dava por enquanto) o problema que eu vi aqui foi a câmera e o sistema de save que ainda não tem, a câmera você tem que mirar pra poder levantar e abaixar ela, ela também é travada em alguns momentos (mas isso não atrapalha) trilha sonora ótima, de todo modo, o jogo ta ficando cada vez melhor. Não esqueçam que o jogo tem um boss meio escondido


parabéns pelo trabalho, muito bom!

Muito bom

Name Your Price

Bad Hat Box V.0.1.1 - 1st Update

Version: 0.1.1over 4 years ago
Hey guys, what's up? Here is the first major update - actualy, the first update at all - that i did for the Bad Hat Box. Some features that you should know: - A bigger scenario. - New Buttons Mechanic - just jump above them to activate. - New Kick Mechanic - Use Left Mouse to try that. - You still can find a gun in the map and use it to shoot. - New Colectables - keys and fuses for the mooving platforms - New songs. I hope that you enjoy. If you do like my works and want to know what is to come, just follow me in any social media. Don't forget that your support is most welcome, and can help me to make even better games in the future. LRVStudios || Leonardo Vieira

Bad Hat Box

Version: 0.1.0over 4 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Bad Hat Ukulele Song

LRVStudios - BAD HAT BOX by Leonardo Vieira.

### New Update ###

Don't forget to see the new release - Bad Hat Box V.0.1.1. I implemented some new stuff that i realy hope that you enjoy.


A simple mini game that allows you to destroy some boxes. A Bad Hat Killer to all Bad Hat Boxes #arcade #shooter

That's the first game i ever published, and i hope this could be the first of many.

If you have any problems, don't forget to read the file "Read Me" locate in the main folder of the game.

And if you guys could give me some feedbacks, i would apreciate very, very much. Feel free to comment your impression of Bad Hat Box.

Thanks y'all and be welcome to a new adventure. #platformer #puzzle #adventure

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