
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Its 2024 and it hasn’t realease yet

What happened?


RUST Labyrinth is added in this game?

This is Mod a beautiful and wonderful

here is my ...


Black ball.

Mechanilc: If it touches you, it will teleport you in front of it Baldi!

BBCCG (Known as Baldi's Basics Chaos Character Game!)

Have now an page!

This mod is still in development, so everything seen here can be changed!

If the demo release you can report.

  • Bugs (For example an character, item, other things is buggy, or doesn't work,

  • Incorrect Scripting (for example an button who wind for example Phonty it'll close Phonty Wind menu,

  • Copyrighted Assets,

  • Details for character,

  • or Things that doesn't fit with the game.


@DashCompileCretor - For making the game!

@mystman12 - For making Baldi's Basics.

@SuperGumballDorian - For: Dorian And Gracie *Redisgned into a (Wacky Staby)*

@marcelthecoolmodder199 - For: MarcelTheCoolModder199 *Character* (Known as Marcel).

SebaTheLord - For Giy gas character.

OblivionQuail for "Quvioq" character. and map inspiration

SPPlays/ToffeeRecord - Click to reset ventilation button.

"More credits comming soon!" #fangame #horror #action #survival #baldibasics #other

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

Development page is here :D