
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I don't know if i am the only one with this problem, but the HTML version wont finnish loading. Let me know if this happens to anybody else!

Game doesn't work.

I gave your game here a rating of 4 out of 5, and here's why:

Great job on the obstacle course! It's definitely simple enough to grasp the idea of the game, and I especially like the little blocks and plank that you placed on the catwalk. Not only do they serve as obstacles initially, but the plank also acts as a bridge.

You definitely have the right idea for a platform game here. I'd say for a game in development, you have a good foundation. Perhaps as the levels progress, you could put in shifting obstacles? These obstacles would serve as a more challenging way to get across, as they pose a threat of knocking the "ball" off course. Keep working on this, you have a decent game so far!

Great job!


Ball Course

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

This is not a finished game! The game is still in development.

The game works best with the unity web player. And by that i mean a GUI with the points counter wont show up in the HTML version.

This game is based on a unity tutorial. I have made my own inprovements to the game, but its my first game made with unity3D.

Controlls: Arrow Keys, WASD keys or left stick on a gamepad.

Steer the ball through the courses and collect all the points to proceed.


The game has been updated!

The game has been updated with a new level!

In the new level i am introducing some basic enemies and have added some new obstacles to overcome!