High Score

The higher score, the better they are at popping balloons! Your name could be here, play now!

  1. # 1
    84138.14 Points.
    Arteshin @Arteshin
    over 11 years ago
  2. # 3
    11978.31 Points.
    Kunedon @Kunedon
    over 11 years ago
  3. # 5
    3176.24 Points.
    Ashrofe @Ashrofe
    over 11 years ago
  4. # 7
    2649.42 Points.
    Exosphere Gamer @ExosphereGamer2
    over 11 years ago
  5. # 9
    1709.82 Points.
    ObsidianSkin @ObsidianSkin
    over 11 years ago
  1. # 2
    43286.88 Points.
    rado2313 @rado2313
    over 11 years ago
  2. # 4
    9580.32 Points.
    Polan @polan
    over 11 years ago
  3. # 6
    3071.96 Points.
    James M.Bidace @Afterworldstudios
    over 10 years ago
  4. # 8
    2293.56 Points.
    PixHammer @PixHammer
    over 11 years ago