Comments (43)
My Notes to Help
Crack in the walls are gone and you cannot go outside of the border anymore into the black area.
Battle text are fixed to English from what I seen that Destroyed was translated into English and the skills and their descriptions are now in English.
Special items such as Sphere of Protection, Shields, Clovers, Gloves, and Coral of Manna. Seem to drop more often unless it is because of my high luck stat.
Dialogue for after defeating the wet sign and Springtrap, do repeat itself, it did for me when I went back to search for anymore bugs in the Office Corridor and Pantry.
Party table with candles on it, when interacted with the candles start changing into two different objects and the dialogue is "It's a party table." I do not know if this is intentional or not but just wanted to point it out.
Cannot interact with the computer anymore, assuming that is not supposed to be like that.
Block above the mens bathroom from the corridor is able to be walked on.
Question: Third Corridor, bottom right with what looks like to be scrolls, is that supposed to be interacted with or is it there for visuals and decoration.
Storage room 2, interacting with empty shelves pops up Russian dialogue, figured I would let you know. But I do love Russians.
Hallway with the Janitor has no enemies except the Janitor and the Vending Machine, don't know if that was itentional or not.
Storage Room 3, desks seem to have no interaction, just wondering about that but I noticed it.
Hope this helps you, trying my best to be supportive and find these bugs and glitches and stuff so you are able to make your game even better. I will play through the Russian version to check for bugs and glitches as well, I will be able to know what I am doing since I can remember what buttons do what and where I need to go now.
Alright, thought I might as well make a new comment thread but it is like 6am for me so, I am going to go sleep. When I wake up, this game will be the first thing I will go to. I will inform you more tomorrow. Have a good day or night.
Hey, just wanted to say that you have a wonderful game here. I been playing for about an hour and got to the party room in between the kitchen and library. I havce my partner already and I think it was smart to make him a sort of support character. It is very useful, yes not all of it is translated to english but that doesn't mean I do not understand it. Like the attack and defense debuff you can cast, I totally understand what they are meant to do because you have the picture icons for the skills. I definitely plan on playing more of this later on but I really love the game.
P.S. Nice work on the springtrap enemy. Don't know if there was anything more to it than just fighting him but it was cool since I love FNAF.
I've played it for couple minutes, english translation isn't complete, there's still some russian text and some bad english spelling but it's still understandable. Good game i liked it, thanks for game
Blackrabbit's Atmospheric Quest (ENG)
Blackrabbit's Atmospheric Quest (RUS)
Blackrabbit's Atmospheric Quest -
This is a game in which you have to go through a turning point in the life of the rabbit Blackrabbit, who has a very daring plan that you have to fulfill, but not alone, but with Black's friend, the friendly monster Esquill
Get ready for a small but interesting adventure!
Это игра, в которой тебе предстоит пройти через переломный момент в жизни кролика Блэкреббита, который задумал очень дерзкий план, который тебе предстоит исполнить, но не одному, а с другом Блэка - дружелюбным монстром Эсквиллом
Приготовься к небольшому, но интересному приключению!
-Includes RTP if you don’t have it
-Two languages- English and Russian
-Small plot
-Good level design
-Lack of long grind
-And other, not the most important things
-Включает в себя RTP на случай, если у вас его нет
-Два языка- Английский и Русский
-Небольшой сюжет
-Хороший дизайн уровней
-Отсутствие долгого гринда
-И прочие, не самые важные вещи
Good game to you!
Хорошей тебе игры!
#rpg #adventure #quest #rus #eng #other #achievements #quest
Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans