Comments (14)
Can we get a .exe? I can't play the game in my browser.
This was a pretty nice game; the cook was really cute, and the burger tossing was fun. I would say the biggest missing thing was music, but with this gamejam's time limit I think you did pretty well. Good work.
That was fun :D Especially when the bargers get stuck on top of a head or inside the teeth :P
Me love makin good barger
Gets hard fast, well done :)
I love the idea of it, but I feel like its a bit unfinished. You should add some more pictures of the game to this page. I included it in part 35 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/OX4u8uk06pw

haha. I love the goofy look, and the silly phyisics of this game. Deffinately need a shadow under the burger deispenser though. :D
Barger Tim
Barger Tim, made for #indiesvsgamers jam.
You are Barger Tim. Feed Bargers to your customers or they will leave hungery.
Z or space to pick up a burger, same button to throw into customer's mouth.
Inspired by classic arcade game Bargr TIm.
#burgers #hamburgers #cooking #burgertimelike #food #restaurant