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Clicks of life by rebateman - A batch Program! - Version 0.2.1

Version: 0.2.1over 6 years ago
Added= In a zip file, audio in an ending.

Clicks of life by rebateman - A batch Program! - Version 0.2.0

Version: 0.2.0over 6 years ago
Update notes= Each 0.x.0 updates with bug fixes, and a new part with choices! Part=New paths and true ends. DEATH INVOLVED IN ONE OF THEM!

Clicks of life by rebateman - A batch Program! - Version 0.1.0

Version: 0.1.0over 6 years ago
Version 0.1.0 is a early build, too early, but playable.

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Dead (an ending's theme) from 0.2.1

Welcome to my first Batch game, Clicks of life! Inspired by Silicon Trail (a little easter egg in the Office Worker mode in job simulator and a parody of The Origin Trail (don't remember how to spell that game's name)) and more, this uses Batch for all of it!
#other #lofi


Enjoy the game as you replay through different endings and more! The game, Clicks of Life is an interactive Batch experience! Read about it in the article!

Update= 0.2.0 and 0.2.1 are released! All that 0.2.1 added is audio for a ending involving pressing 4.

Yes. I randomly did this and quickly. No gamejam.

Just a little wonder - What choice did you choose?

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