
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Gimmie a roll/dodge awww yeeeee

Fun action packed game with a lovely pixel art style that just isn't seen enough these days. All in all a great game. :)

This was a fun little arcade game to play. Nice art style, decent sound, simple and easy to use controls, all in all, a fun little game. I would love to see the developer take the concept for this game and make something bigger, could add more levels, an upgrade system, more enemeies, etc... Even though the game is very short I did a quick video on my experiance with the game and I go a little more in depth on what could be added if anyone is interested.

SHREK NO! | Battle of Og'Murh

The games pretty cool, but it could use a bit more work. Some better sound effects, and more enemies. Still, good job!

Dude awesome game man!


webgl version

Version: 0.6.0over 9 years ago

Battle of Og'Murh

Version: 0.4.0over 9 years ago

Our hero has tracked an Ogre warlord and the remnants of his clan that's been terrorizing and pillaging his village to this final showdown. Can you claim victory and restore peace to the land?

WebGL version has a bug for enlarging cursor when restarting the level. This bug does not happen for WebPlayer.

-WASD to Move
-Left Mouse Click to Attack
-Space to Roll

Good Luck.

Made for mini-ludum dare # 62.
Clonze (primary role: Programmer)
Fome(primary role: Artist)
Diver (primary role: Artist)


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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