
Comments (31)

What do you think?

9/10, 9 because of the bugs.

If I had to name a few-

Soldiers can get stuck if they're spawned in a building (basically if there isn't empty space in front of the barracks)

Why do soldier have to target trees that don't obscure their path why-

Hey AGGames, I played the game. It was fun and I really like the graphics but there's no music? or is there an option to turn on the music? Also where are the controls explained? Another thing is that the enemies move way too fast. Still, it's a fun and great game : )

Looking really nice, I've followed this project both on Gamejolt and Youtube, can't wait to play it

looks really interesting! I cant wait to play it :D

Hi if you need music for your game write me also good projects you have somo good stuff s

#rpg #retro #strategy #survival

In this game you can build up your village and fight against others in a randomly generated world. Your goal is to find and destroy every other village (3 villages per world) before they destroy yours.

If you notice something strange or something you don't like, it would be nice if you write it in the comments.


You can choose between 3 classes:

  • Elves

    • Elves have a bow as the main weapon. With the bow, they can kill enemies even at larger distances.

    • The secondary weapon is a knife just in case an enemy approaches the elf.

    • Their speed is mediocre, faster than Orcs, but slower than Phantoms.

    • The strength of an elf is average as well.

  • Orcs

    • Orcs are very tough and strong and can kill their enemies with a few hits.

    • The main weapon is a sword, which is very dangerous for melee combat.

    • Orcs are the strongest, but also the slowest, making it impossible to escape in combat. On the other hand, they don't need to escape, because they are are so sturdy that an escape is usually not necessary.

  • Phantoms

    • Phantoms are fast. They can attack entire villages in a short amount of time and disappear again so quickly.

    • They use a knife as their main weapon. It's small and fast.

    • Since they only have one knife, they are not very strong. They are feared for their speed and not the strength

All characters have a different profession:

  • General: That's what you are playing. He can control soldiers, build, recruit, and invade other villages.

  • Soldier: They defend the village and attack others

  • Worker: They help you to build up the village


I want to keep the controls as simple as possible. You can play the game with w, a, s, d, q, e, and the arrow keys. There are text boxes in the game which explain to you what to press.

Release 1.0 | What's new?:

  • Bug fixes (some of you guys reported)

  • New music

  • A better highscore system

  • Building Time / Combat Time

  • Other things I can't remember... again.... sry.


Mild Cartoon Violence

Trying to implement biomes,
here are some randomly generated maps

Added food to the game.

Difficulty settings!

I added a background for the game menu which has a day / night cycle!


I added three new mobs that will spawn randomly in the world:

Wolf, Pig, and Turkey.

Some of them are friendly, some of them are hostile.

I have removed the compass and added a mini-map instead.

I also added a new weapon: Bow and Arrow. You can watch it on Twitter:

New beta release this Sunday. Just some bug fixes, and better performance.

I'm working on day/night cycles. You can also see a wolf in the picture. They're going to attack you in the night.

Release will be delayed for two days because of a bike accident. Sorry..