
Comments (20)

What do you think?

Fun Fact : This game is actually IMPOSSIBLE to mod, i tried it with the latest version of UABE on GitHub and it said that it couldnt read the bundle file, then i went for utinyripper and it simply said : "Import [Warning]: No game files found" when i dragged the game folder in, so as far as i can understand, there is no way to mod this.


or a game call BBCCS 5 BB 4

how do i play game it wont let me

I think jasper had a same colors as frank, jasper needs to be redesigned and get new voice lines. Hey Nathan Foonugs, have you ever draw fat characters and muscle characters of your styles before.


BBCCS 4: A Strange School

Version: 1.1.0about 4 years ago

The 5th map of the series, I hope you all enjoy.

xTPSx - Map Creator

Mystman12 - Creator of Baldi's basics aswell as the Joe's ultimate bus ride music.

Paulor94 - Custom mode, Minigames image and randomly spawned items and The Test script

GWAYThan - Billy, Frank, Logan, Jasper, Trey and Mocking Guy idea

ToffeeRecord - Made the Serious Lee Buisnesstim, Paranoia, Power Generator , Slappy McBelterz, Snippy Scissorson, Annoyered-Business-Men, Tallymark Undersim, Poosy Kitty Darkz, Starez McBlinkers, Mocking Man and Banickate aswell as 5 new items idea(s).

TEMGaming - Jakc, TEXE, Noir Baldi, Mr. Nice Guy, #31P, Mr. Nasty Guy, The Doctor, TEST!SUBJECT 371, Fenki, Fundi, Jerry Millan, Leiah and Silon Richmens idea.

MrDrNose - Phonty, Doggos, Mr. Mix, Viktor, Laura and THE MIX

Cleary - Phonty Help

TEXE - Zach and Wallace Garman idea

Kayip - Made the crate texture and Burger and Pizza vending machine texture

TheBaldiModder452 - Delilah Dazzle character

CyndaquilDAC - Blacklight Baldi Gang and the background model (title screen used in thumbnails) idea, Heartsick Baby and Blacklight Bonnie idea and Winking Sign.

Scott Cawthon - FNAF characters (not joking lol) #fnaf

Diggaz2007 - Mia Johnson idea.

ENNWAY - Mr. Nice Guy's chase music.

SUS - The owner of Mr. Nice Guy's sprite



- 3 new characters: Mockey Nine Guy, Mia Johnson and Mr. Nothing Guy

- Some bugfixes