Version 1.0
Oh Noes, it Looks Like When Baldi's Schoolhouse Having a Trouble!
This is a Remastered Version of The Old Mod With Better Story, Better Replacements, and New Features
The Story and The Credits is in The Game, Because i am Lazy To Write a Story and Credits in The Game Page....
Old Version Link:
Open Source Baldi License.
Baldi and all characters are property of mystman12. All code, assets, and music are owned by mystman12. We have nothing to do with mystman12, this is a fanmade decompile of the game. We are not responsible for anything made with said decompile, but you may not use this decompile for commercial purposes. This includes ads, ingame-purchases etc. By using this tool or playing any mods created with this tool you agree to the conditions above.
The Secret Ending has Revealed Recorded by @SuperGumballDorian