
Comments (33)

What do you think?

how about you don't pull through with this concept?

if you want BBCCS in 2024, we got BBCCS:R with its next demo coming when it's ready

first time downloading a baldi basics fan made game

Anyone wants to see a leak of this mod? Also im one of the devs

phonty must still be apart of this.

i this going to release this month????


Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V1.1

Version: 1.1.09 months ago

Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V1.0.1

Version: 1.0.110 months ago

Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V1.0

Version: 1.0.010 months ago

Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V0.2.1

Version: 0.2.110 months ago

Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V0.2

Version: 0.2.010 months ago

Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V0.1.1

Version: 0.1.111 months ago

Baldi's Basics Schools of Chaos: The First Few Maps V0.1

Version: 0.1.011 months ago

For whose of you who has a MacOS computer, try this one!

This mod will be cancelled after all that hard work done. The open sources are deleted. So for now on, this is gotta go.

It is also one of Baldi's Basics mods that runs in background.

-- Staff Credits --

@cullosionbeer - Main Developer

@yupoi - Secondary Developer

-- Special Thanks --

@SuperGumballDorian = MacOS Port

IDKWTPAMU = Created a wiki for the mod!

@BasicallyGames = Baldi's Basics Classic

@Daniilsuper47 = 1.4.3 Open Source -

@Paulor_94 = Original Creator of BBRMS

@SPSick = Original Creator of BBCCS

-- Changelogs --

V1.1 - Released in May 31

I've been very busy since the last update, but good news is we got new stuff for this update! Let's check out some stuff we got so far!


  • Revamped First Floor School!

    • Made it looks like a real Baldi's Basics Plus seed!

  • Redecorated the structures in all maps!

    • This also adds Water Fountains, Round Tables, Computers and more!

  • Added 2 new characters from Baldi's Basics Plus! Cloudy Copter and Beans! But the two of them doesn't work entirely yet and still being updated.

  • Added Math Machines!

  • Added a new options menu and credits menu!


  • Removed all the following characters made by @trinitykitty , @TEMGDev-225 , and @BrianJohnson2007 .

  • Removed some items that consider useless such as The Demonic Destabilizer, A Tablet for Jakc, and Pepper Spray.

  • Temporarily removed Endless Mode. It'll come back with a new map along with it!


  • Restyled all maps to make it up-to-date with Baldi's Basics Plus!

  • Remade the title screen! That reminds something about the older version of BBCCS 5.

  • You can now move while jumping!

V1.0.1 - Released in May 11

After I released the complete version of BBSOC, I noticed that it's "almost" finished with a few bugs I forgot to fix. There's also a few improvements that continued with the Classic/Plus styled content!


  • Updated the Loading Screen!

    • The screen itself is the same one from Baldi's Basics Classic Remastered!

    • Not only that, the Tip message is also updated and moved to the bottom.

  • Updated Arts and Crafters!

    • He can now orbits around you instead of instantly teleporting you.

    • Updated his attacking speed like in Baldi's Basics Plus.

  • Big Ol' Boots now lasts for 60 seconds.

  • Updated the locked position to Leiah Walters.

    • In version 1.0, it only detects the camera game object.

    • Increased the distance of locked position.


  • T.EXE will no longer spawns when Spoop Mode is activated.

  • Fixed a bug when spawning Checker Kid in half of the notebooks.

  • Fixed a bug that caused a toggling mistake between both Makoto Smith and Mr. Freeze.

  • Anna Mina will no longer overlap the audio when she first touches the player.

  • Fixed some characters that will stay inside the player's hitbox until they let go.

  • Fixed Kracey Wordene.

    • There's a bug where you touch her during hide and seek will start all over again.

    • There's also a bug where the player gets stuck after the game wins. The player might click on her again if she was close enough or else it softlocks the game.

V1.0 - Released in May 5

Finally, after almost a month of development of this mod is now complete! There's so many changes so far!


  • Added all remaining characters to the first mod! Listing with: Marii, Gifttany, Plandy, Fancy-Graphics, The Ghost, Ryanela Carter, Makoto Smith, Kracey Wordene, Miruka "Milky" Zoyoshe, Niko Inko, Max, Leiah Walters

  • Added two new events: Calling Marii Event, Hide and Seek Event from BBRMS!


  • Finished with Classic/Plus styled content!


  • NavMesh Paths is implemented so don't worry about you getting stuck on something while someone drags you!

  • Made a few overhauls for stuff that is close to Baldi's Basics Plus!


  • Fixed a bug where the cursor always be here while paused by something else by some characters.

  • Fixed a bug to some characters that behaves while your items being blocked.

  • More bugs has been fixed that is unknown.

V0.2.1 - Released in April 21

This is the first version to have its mod open sourced! This update contains more bug fixes from V0.2


  • Added 2 new characters! Mark A. Zapresce and E4404!

    • E4404 spawns in any part of location and also a guaranteed character.

  • Added more posters including ones from BBRMS and BBCCS.


  • Phonty is now replaced as a new character, Clanella Jankino!

    • He has a new mechanic that has the strike system, like Slappy McBelterz.


  • Mouse Sensitivity now saves everytime.

  • T.EXE is now fixed being able to speak while wandering or spotted you.

  • Slappy McBelterz is now fixed with the strike system everytime you splash him in juice. It does not affect striking when playing Explorer Mode.

  • Anna Mina when she gives you a request, the game pauses.

  • Mocking Man (Bad) can mock the clock or tape more often.


  • Fixed a bug where the fog didn't show up at all.

  • Fixed a bug where some rare occasions, Principal of the Thing does not teleport you to detention upon impact.

  • Fixed Arts and Crafters being not able to chase after you if you looked at him after collecting all notebooks.

  • Fixed Zack Johnson when he ignores you when switching your Zesty Bar.

  • Fixed The Demonic Destabilizer when it collides to T.EXE, it doesn't despawn.

    • Baldi and Slappy McBelterz are also affected when it collide with them and despawns, giving no effect to them.

  • Fixed Jakc giving a Tablet to him while he's not angry.

  • Fixed Pomas Keearith when he sometimes repeats the sound when touching 1st Prize.

  • Fortivery still opens the Faculty door, so he's slightly moved away from it.

V0.2 - Released in April 17

Sorry for the long wait, this is the big update, here it is:


  • Added 4 new characters! Wallace Garman, Zack Johnson, Mocking Man (Bad), and Dodginle Ropetiem

  • Added Random Events!

    • Starting in this update, there's only 4 events while new ones are adding soon.


  • Starting in update V0.2, all EternityDev's characters are going to be replaced due to controversy.

    • THE MIX has redesigned to his new look.

    • Phonty hasn't replaced yet, but there's a new character later in the next update.

  • Replaced Billy as Kimz

  • Replaced Garry Jasrick as Paranoia Strikerson (with Wallace Garman added)


  • Plays a sound when inserting something with a Quarter or a Dollar.

  • Plays a sound when eating food (example: Zesty Bar, etc.)

  • Arts and Crafters is now being fixed and he'll teleport you to the nearest exit with Baldi.

  • Sensitivity is reverted to the current value from V0.1.

  • Player looks at THE MIX like all other killable characters.


  • Fixed Baldi, T.EXE, and Jakc hearing something that is at higher priority while getting distracted or stunned.

  • Fixed a Random Item machine that rarely gives you nothing after inserting a Quarter.

    • If you had a Dollar if that gives the same process, rarely you get three or less items.

  • Fixed Principal of the Thing that he will still catches you breaking a rule while being outside.

  • Sometimes items will get screwed up, so the items are a bit more isolated.

  • Fixed a bug where Creepster will still attack you when you are in his sight (even if you not looking).

  • Fixed a bug where you give THE MIX a Tablet for Jakc or Luci and Hamburgers are absolute useless.

  • Fixed Zach where he still uses whistle to alert Principal of the Thing while he's taking a break.

V0.1.1 - Released in April 9

A small update that is from V0.1, here it is:


  • Added the new Game Over screen!

    • It is currently done depends on most lethal characters including Baldi.

  • Character Posters will appear in all maps!

    • Characters will spawn alongside their posters when starting the game.

    • This is done using two methods with Custom Mode or any other modes.


  • Going outside gains more stamina than usual.

  • Characters will stay enabled/disabled in Custom Mode menu.

  • Sensitivity will stay at the current value. (I'd rather fix this soon bc the thing is so high bruh)


  • Fixed a bug where Alarm Clocks will not ring for some reason.

  • Fixed a bug if Baldi's Least Favorite Tape was used on a tape player, the tape would not disappear from the inventory.

    • The same thing happened if a Quarter is inserted in a pay phone.

    • This is also occurred in all game modes for some reason.

  • Fixed a bug where Principal of a Thing starts the detention for 20 seconds, instead of 15 seconds regardless.

V0.1 - Initial Release - Released in April 7

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