You are invited to beanie's house!
Beanie's BasicsĀ in Storytelling and Trending is an upcoming baldi's basics decompiled created by @J1m5m1th97 .
The Player gets invited to beanie's house, and you need to collect all 7 Wrenches and go outside the backyard to win if you want!
Sprites: TBA
Sounds: TBA
Coding: TBA
Beanie (TIBOOR) as Baldi
Basil (TIBOOR) as Principal of a Thing
Garfelf (Garfelf's Guide 1) as Playtime
Kenny (South Park) as 1st Prize
Clone Sonic (Five Nights at Sonic's) as It's a Bully
Clover (TIBOOR) as Gotta Sweep
Microphone (II) as Arts and Crafters
LEVEL UP Baldi as Filename2 (aka. NULL in the classic remastered)
Nightmare Sonic (Five Nights at Sonic's 4) as Placeface
- Creator of the game
- Original Creator of Baldi's Basics
and @CubeMasterPro - Original Sprites and sounds for the mods of Baldi's Basics