Comments (6)
NOOOOOO the download gives error ;-;
This game seems so beautiful I wanted to try it :(
Cute graphics! I included it in part 31 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/Rz171VIs-iA
Needs improvements, but it's already a great game! Congratz 5/5
Graphics: 8.5/10
Idea: 5.5/10
Sound: 6/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Fun Factor: 5/10
Overall: 6/10
Bears in Limbo
You control a group of bears stuck in Limbo which must hop from one platform to another in order to continue their unbearable existence. But Limbo is a funky place filled with traps, obstacles, and constantly evolving controls. The goal of the game is to exist for as long as possible, side effects include: existential crises, spurts of fun, and curiosity.
WASD for movement, space for jumping.
This game is a collaboration between Spiffy Games and Triple Dot Games for the #indiesvspewdiepie game jam.
Thanks for playing!