
Comments (9)

What do you think?

This game has good points, but also a few things to work on, and I'll try to be as constructive as I can.

First of all, turning the jewels into cookies is a wonderful idea. Requiring a number of each type of cookie is a good idea, as jewel-swappers do all need something unique no matter how small.

I do think that you should put the time limit a bit longer, as I was already on the time limit on lv2 when I just felt I had only just begun the level. Time limits can make and break a game, and perhaps it's a good idea to give the player the option to play the game in a "zen-mode" (means without time limit). This also gives the possibility to expand the game with some features that can make it more interesting. For example a mouse trying to steal cookies and a cat you can bring to the mouse to get the mouse eaten and save your cookies, to name something ridiculous that could work (just a silly idea you don't have to put in, but to get a bit of an idea). There are tons of possibilities here and the cookie concept does make room for this. Do you also the shape of the level itself in different ways or only the square one. Jewel-swappers (or variants of that game) are more and more often putting in multiple shapes of the puzzles in order to add variety into game to prevent the player from getting bored (which can easily happen in a swapper). Perhaps the introduction of tools can also add a bit of value.

Then the speed of the game. It's a bit slow. Swappers play best when the animation speed is ultra fast. You probably don't have to speed it up too much (the human eye must still be able to catch the movement, after all), but a bit faster than this is desirable.

And indeed I totally agree with Sang Le Hong that you definitely should add some sound effects in this game. And of course they need to be "cookie" style. Different type of cookie-crunch sounds whenever you make some cookies disappear from the puzzle. Optionally some music would do nice, and due to the concept I think children's music would suit the game best.

And so far my review. I hope you don't see my critics as a bash-down. I'm just trying to help you to make a good game into a fantastic game. The concept deserves it, and there's potential in this game to be a true addition to the genre.

Go for it ;)

Beautiful graphic, but need sound effect.
Anyway, great work!

the graphics are nice but there definitely needs to be BG music or sound effects ~

Not a lot of originality here, but it's quite a cute one!

Nice!!! 5/5 stars!!!! just GREAT!



Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Let's eat ALL the cookies!
Help Jim eat all the cookies before the time runs out in this classic puzzle game!


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