Comments (9)
Nice one
Am I the only one missing a key for sending the piece to the board? When you learn how to play 20 seconds are too much waiting
Super challenging, fun game. I included it in my Familiar Game Jam 5 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out!

Muy buena la idea. Se me da fatal, pero es un concepto simpático.
es un poco complejo, aunque la idea esta bien,
The deconstruct part is okay but the tetris part is crude
Well, nice idea nonetheless
#familiargamejam5 game entry,
Israel Roman & Oscar Carrasco presents: Deconstetris
a very hard Deconstructed version of tetris.
When you played Tetris you always had prepared the blocks that have to be placing, but who does that work ? in Deconstetris it´s your job!
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