Comments (10)
fun :)
Well, the game was better if I had another player to play x')
But yea, I liked the idea :D
Seems like it would be a cool little game if it was polished a bit more. Nice graphics! I included it in part 37 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Awesome game! 5/5
Found a secret "O" button control for killing them both! :D Great little game! ;) Needs more moves!
Bedtime Rumble!
Indie VS PewDiePie game jam entry, my first ever game jam, not a profesional by any means, but was fun to make and for sure pushed my limits since I had to make everything.
It's Bedtime Rumble! 2 player chaotic pillow fight, was planning to make it more cartoony and comedic but not really an artist so did my best.
Rules: Beat your opponent as many times as possible within the time limit.
Controls: P1: [wasd], [space] to jump and [k] or [ctrl] or attack
P2: [arrow keys], with [numpad 0] or [/] to attack (or use a gamepad!)