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Cool! If only I could fly straight from below :D


Beer Barrel Barry

Version: 0.1.1over 8 years ago

In this 80s-arcade styled game, you play as Beer Barrel Barry, a construction worker with questionable morals but a strong love for booze--so much so that he constantly carries a barrel of beer on his back! He brings his friends beer in the evenings, but not all the workers think alcohol should be permitted on the premises, so he has to watch out for enemies. Help Barry get some liquor to all his friends!

Fight through 20 levels in a quick, fun game. Difficulty slowly increases, with new enemies as you progress. Traverse the construction site and come in contact with all your green hat-ed friends while fending off those in yellow and red. Pick up bottles and 6-packs to replenish your beer along the way, and watch out for the timer!


  • SELECT = [enter]

  • LEFT AND RIGHT = [right arrow key], [left arrow key]

  • JUMP = [up arrow key]

  • MOVE UP AND DOWN LADDERS = [up arrow key], [down arrow key]


  • SELF HEAL = [h]

Scoring Points

Like all arcade games, scoring points is priority, so speed running is not advised! In addition to passing levels, you can earn points by:

  • Firing at enemies

  • Knocking enemies off levels (you only gain one bonus per enemy, so there's no point in knocking the same enemy off twice)

  • Completing the level with time left (amount based on amount of time left)

  • Completing the level with health left (amount based on amount of health left)

  • Completing the level with beer left (amount based on amount of beer left)

Enjoy the game!


Mild Cartoon Violence
Alcohol Use
Comical Shenanigans

Fixed Error

Iā€™m sure the few that have played the game have noticed you start on level 18. That was a simple typo in the code, and you now start on level 1, as expected.