
Comments (6)

What do you think?

I like it c: the emotion is great! but voice acting/voice overs would be great!

Wait, this is made by one person?

how many endings are there? :o

Name Your Price

Before They Leave

Version: 0.9.1over 7 years ago
Yuri Game Jam 2017 build, v. 0.91

Game Soundtrack

5 songs

A short story of depression, friends, and crushes.

Samantha Fiddler has been depressed for the better part of the last two years of high school. She's barely scraping by, and nothing makes sense. She wants to go home and sleep. She feels guilty about everything... but for the time being she just needs to hold it together while hanging outside with her best friends.

This game was made as a submission for Yuri Game Jam 2017 as a work in progress. It is story-complete in terms of playablility, but will likely expand based on initial feedback. The current build is still needs custom GUI, replacement backgrounds, and fine polishing, but is otherwise fully playable, complete with character art and music!

If you find any bugs or grammar/spelling mistakes, please leave it in the comments.



Writing, Art, and Programming by Ellis Kim
Music by Lillian Yee

#visualnovel #yuri #yurijam #girlslove #highschool #depression #lesbian #renpy #storyrich #romance

Mild Language
Crass Humor

Behind the Scenes - Hallie's sketches, Photoshop layers, and RenPy's LiveComposite