
FNF: The Bug Bird Game
Welcome to this... Fan-Hybrid mod made in Psych engine 0.6.2
I call it hybrid because:
-The mod because first, the mod replaces the characters of the original fnf mod into pixelated horses made in Pony.Town
-It's also a kind of extra songs mod, replacing some songs with new ones (This demo just has one: Funk-101)
-All this to tell a story to save a singing game with external and internal issues in the way
-Recharted some songs with dynamics here and there ready to take you down when you least expected
-3 difficulties included (The difficulty may affect the gameplay!):
SIMPLE: The note ammount gets simplified and slower to make the notes easier for rookies
HARD: The notes fit into the vocals perfectly, even tho you will face double notes in tiny ammounts
MAGIC: More related to MANIA charting, with a lot of notes commin' atcha at high speed
After everyone started using dynamics on the singing game of Silverstream and Ocellus, Fast Tap is the chosen one to funk them all in order to return the fun to the game, to accomplish the task he will face the best players with crazy dynamics that will leave everything on their microphones, but something else may become an ally, but an rival, He will reach the top and return the game as it was at the start?
In this DEMO you will take down the first 3 chapters in order, one after the other, any difficulty will make the trick!