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Berzerk Advance

Version: 1.4.4about 4 years ago
New version of the game. This upsdate includes game improvements, optimization, a better AI, corrected animations, a new maze structure and some bugs have been fixed! Also custom setting will be saved and clown hat got replaced with racoon ears.

Berzerk Advance Android

Version: 1.4.2almost 5 years ago
The final Android version of the game. Probably it will receive some updates. For now it's ok and stable. Have fun! (Note: for space saving the intro has been removed.

The remake of the forgotten arcade from 1982 "Berzerk" by Stern Electronics.
#action #arcade #retro #shooter #adventure #other


A little patch for Berzerk Advance. Fixed the following:

-An issue that made the player appear black the first time they boot up the game

-Removed fullscreen option at the start and the button on the main menu. It was useless. Just use alt+enter.


Berzerk just got a new update!

Hi! Development is going really good. Here are some new features.
-Now you can change color to your character and add a hat to his head.
-Improved animations
-Added save to score and custom options.
-New screens and intros
-Added gallery with beta content

Bug fixes list
-Fixed a bug that made the music restart when entering a room
-Improved collision detection
-Fixed a bug that made all the robot explode when shooting and then changing room
-Improved robot respawn while loading a room
-Fixed sound glitches

What's coming?

An update is coming. I don't know if it will be a big update or not, for now I have fixed some bugs. I will also try to add a score tab (not a promise).
Here is what will come for now:
-bug fixes
-new title screen
-new sounds