
Comments (2)

What do you think?

i like how it says new items and characters but got rid of arts and crafters and reskined every character except 1st prize and baldi and took a couple of items away but the game is still good.


Baldi's Basics in a Bigger School: Remastered Edition!

Version: 1.0.0about 4 years ago

You decided to come back to the bigger school again, only to realize that the school has got an improvement! Including more characters, more items, a new system of ambience, and a redone school layout! The school definently used the abundance of quarters left in the original for this overhaul! Can you think you can collect all 6 notebooks and leave the school again?


@ToffeeRecord - Redecompiled the original and making the remaster

mystman12 - Creating the original game

Jumpman25 - 1.3.2 Unity Project's Code

Nanes Potatoes - Baldi Model

<NAME_RETRACTED> - Baldi Voice

Mild Cartoon Violence

In case you were wondering, No, I did not use OSB, Instead I REDECOMPILED the original mod MYSELF and add used Jumpman25's 1.3.2 Unity Project's code and dragged it into this redecompile!