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BIG SEAN - ONLY ONE - Twelfth Generation Edition (For Windows 10 And The JadeJohnson Games JadeReam™ SlideShowGaming Console)

Version: 20180503.1701.848over 6 years ago
This is the latest and most stable official build. PowerPoint 2010+ required.

BIG SEAN - ONLY ONE - Eighth Generation Edition (For Windows 7 And 10)

Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago
If you primarily use an old or inexpensive windows device that is incapable of properly playing the in game music and sound effects simultaneously without freezing, muting, skipping, popping, glitching, or crashing, you can play this version instead, but it doesn't support updates and is highly buggy! Although your computer may not freeze, the game engine might do so, because it's four generations old! PowerPoint 2010+ required.

BIG SEAN - ONLY ONE - Eighth Generation Edition (For Pre Rebrand JayDee Hui U, Windows 7, And Windows 10)

Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago
Yes, gosh darn it, there was an official SlideShowGaming console by one of our predecessors called "The JayDee Hui U". We're not proud of it, but in case you have, or want to keep, one lying around, here you go. If you're on a PC, you can use this same release to emulate the console. PowerPoint 2010+ required.

BIG SEAN - ONLY ONE - Seventh Generation Edition (For The Pre Rebrand JayDee Hui, Windows 7, And Windows 10)

Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago
Thankfully, our most recent predecessor also made their own version of the Wii, called the "JayDee Hui", yes, without the capital U!

BIG SEAN - ONLY ONE - Sixth Generation Edition (For The Pre Rebrand JayDee West, Windows 7, And Windows 10)

Version: 1.0.0over 6 years ago
This is as old as they come! This was released for the "JayDee West", our most recent predecessor's very first modern SlideShowGaming console. Unfortunately, unlike the sixth generation's Nintendo Game Cube, the JayDee West was so bare bones that it doesn't even come with its own viral bootup theme.

. . . All is quiet . . . You are deep in thought, taking in the scenery of your new workplace. Suddenly, a sharp male voice shatters the walls of your meditative state. You turn around to find your boss at your threshold, saying something about needing you to help him kill off a bunch of zombies of his X girlfriend so he can apologize for derogating her in his lyrics. Unsure of your fate, will you do it?

Intense Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mature Humor
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