Comments (3)

Matrix Binary code!
Some questions
1.Is this still being developed or is it dead?
2.How fast is it being developed,and how long till the release?
3.How many jumpscares will there be?An exact number isn't needed.
BINary isn't your average program. Developed by the mysterious figure dubbed "The Oracle", At first being called Nary, The program was designed to help companies and everyday people with setting up huge wireless networks that could carry Terabyte's of data in less than 5 minutes and other very useful features. Soon, BINary was given it's own intelligence so It could adapt to the owner/user, which where the "I" came in. Soon it was called I-Nary and The Oracle continued to develop one last thing in secret. A binary code represents text or computer processor instructions using the binary number system's two binary digits, 0 and 1. This is what the Oracle planned on implementing. This would give his program the ability to take full control of the system via the CPU and control whatever was plugged in or being sent out off it(sound, images, headset, etc). Soon, BINary was released...and it didnt have the same effect. It seemed almost like as soon as binary code was implemented, the program had become lethal to its users. Then there was one death, epileptic shock from flashing images, Caused by BINary. Then 3, a house fire started when a computer reached the heat of boiling water, caused by BINary. Then 100's all caused by BINary. The Oracle was on the run since, nowhere to be found. Rumors go around saying that the program pulled him inside. Well...your about to find out...
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Sexual Themes
Mature Humor