Comments (49)
please make a squeal i made a theory btw here is the link https://gamejolt.com/p/https-gamejolt-com-games-bit-486642-you-are-in-a-house-so-you-as-jkzujjvb
ctrl to crouch @sayyestocalcum

eyyy remember me the guy from itch i need help
what is the computer code tho
Name Your Price
Bit Jail
Bit Jail is an escape room game with MS Paint theme. Play as Mr. Anderson who has been jailed in a house. Solve puzzles to find two house keys and escape the jail, or at least try to escape...
This Game is a Paint Jam entry and follows these challenges:
Entire Graphics drawn with mouse in Microsoft Paint.
Only used default brush, default palette and Comic sans font.
Entire sounds are recorded mouth voice.
Made in 2 days (Okay maybe 3)
You can now use Foamcore to make mods for this game.
Some browsers shortcuts (Like chrome's Ctrl+W) might alter your game play!
I need to test the Mac build of Bit Jail! If you're a Mac OS user, please tell me in the comments that it works or not. Thanks you!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Drug Reference
Crass Humor