
Comments (9)

What do you think?

love the style of the game ,, this shit amazing

Great game! I love the tone and the story! Can't wait to see the newer build!

Why only Xbox controller controls? besta luck in the contest ^_^

Sadly, I could not really play this game due to no game pad... However, I included it in part 11 of my Game Jolt contest 10 compilation series, if you'd like to have a look :)

Hey just to let you know that I did an LP of your game but it came up with a copyright warning on the video and has been blocked in some countries. I took it down though and i'm lucky I didn't get a strike for it xD Just thought i'd warn you :P If you need it just incase it is false I can tell you the song names that were detected. Good game though! :D



Version: 0.0.2-autoover 11 years ago


Oliver is losing control to his inner monster...if he can't get it together, he's going to kill innocent party-goers. Play as him, and try to stop the destruction.

11/25/13 Update:

New build is up, with support for normal keyboard controls. It's also got a lot better narrative pacing and a clearer plot! Some bug fixes, polish, and new drinking mechanic as well.

We're still looking at some changes to make it even better. Look for more updates in the next couple of weeks!


(PC / Keyboard)

Left/Right arrow : Movement

F : Enter into dialogue. Advance through dialogue when prompted.

D : Drink!

S : Exit out of dialogue.

Num-Pad (2,4,6,8) : Selects certain conversation choices.

(Xbox 360 Controller)

L-Stick : Move left/right

A : Enter into dialogue. Advance through dialogue when prompted.

B : Exit out of dialogue. NOTE: In this buggy build, jamming B will usually solve a bug.

D-Pad : Selects certain conversation choices.

11/18/13 Update:

This game was made in ten days for GameJolt's 10th game jam contest. It is a pretty buggy build, but we're looking to update it and put out a newer version in the next week or so!

We also configured about 80% of it for the Oculus Rift. We couldn't get it 100% by the GJ context deadline, so that will also be released soon!


Joel Clark (programming & writing), Alex Kubodera (art & writing), Mike Longley (art), Forrest Taber-Thomas (art & writing).

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Reference
Tobacco Use
Strong Language
Crass Humor
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!