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A sequel to my previous project "Blade of Fire", this game greatly expands on the combat, with more moves & mechanics, combos, and even more enemy variety.

- Over 50 moves to use in combat, each with their own usage/effects
- Two distinct playable characters
- A transformation state that temporarily increases your character's power
- Hours of content
- Controller support

#action #hackslash

Mild Fantasy Violence

11/27 updates:

- Divine Transformation alt done for Irae's Armageddon

11/20 updates:

- Reduced the delta limit between frames(to fix an issue with Irae's Heavenly Slash clipping through enemies)

11/11 updates:

- Added a new move for Irae(Armageddon - Full screen super)
- Fixed an oversight where the character's attack state and stun did not get reset on death.

10/31 updates:

- Finished all alt animations for Irae's Divine Transformation

10/24 updates:

- Increased the range on Irae's Heat Storm
- Added a new move(Fullscreen super for Irae - in progress)

9/25 updates:

- Two new levels added

9/12 updates:

- Save/load system added

- Fixed the aspect ratio on forest & graveyard backgrounds so they no longer get stretched at default resolution

- Two new bosses added(Tombstone & Epitaph)

9/5 updates:

- Added a new enemy(Sand Imp)

8/24 updates:

- More enemies added

- New levels added

8/15 updates:

- Alternate voice lines added while transformed

- More levels added

- New boss added(Giant Spotted Fungus)