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in my Gamejolt compilation #6

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Blinkys Breakout

Version: 1.0.0over 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Pac-Man's Park - Pac-Mania Music Extended

Pacman is back, only, he isn't the good guy. Pacman has imprisoned the ghosts, Inky, Pinky, and Clyde. It's up to Blinky to break them out by poisoning Pacman's food supply.

How to play:

  1. Use the arrow keys (or wasd) to navigate the maze.

  2. Pass through white pegs to turn them light green (slightly poisonous to pacman)

  3. Pass through light green pegs to turn them dark green (more poisonous)

  4. Poisoned pegs slow Pacman down, once he begins to flash, then you can kill him.

  5. Kill a yellow Pacman to drop a key.

  6. Use the key to release Inky, Pinky, and Clyde.

Killing white Pacmen spawns 2 blue Pacmen.
Killing purple Pacmen spawns 2 white Pacmen.

Reaper Mode (3D mode)
Among several objects that can be found floating around, there's the Reaper's scythe. Capture this scythe and the Reaper will appear on your behalf. This will turn the maze into a 3d first person maze. When in this mode pacmen cannot kill you and the pegs you pass through become much more poisonous tot hem. Also, pressing the space bar will shoot out lighting, which when aimed at pacmen will instantly kill them!


Game is now stable

Added more sound effects, fixed a few more bugs.

New Version 0.3.0 (The Grimm Reaper joins the game)

Many bugfixes in this game.
Also added trophies.
Lastly, added a new mode called the Reaper mode. This is a 3d first person mode where for a short time you are invincible.