
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Really, though I found the design of this game to be on the esoteric side. The game just kinda expects you to know what every obstacle and enemy does, so the game just throws things in the player's way with no rhyme or reason. Yes, it is supposed to be a stiff challenge, but there are few moments where it feels like skills are rewarded.

The place where this is most evident is in the boss fights, where they have entirely too much health. The developer of the game plays it more than anyone, so they know the ins and outs of everything. The player does not, so giving the boss enough health to make it hard for even the developer to complete the boss quickly is more of a recipe for frustration.

I love this GAME!!!! Is cool!!!

Playing Dynamite Alex in the past has some benefits as it gives some hint on how to play this game. Speaking of which, many resources in this game are from Dynamite Alex yet there are new ones
Unlike Alex, Blitz can't roll but he has katana. Unfortunately it's not as useful as his gun (except in snow stage). It would have been cooler if Blitz could kill any enemy with single slash of his katana including the ones with shield
Compared to Dynamite Alex, this game is harder as there are more traps appear early
Nonetheless, this game is fun and good for anyone looking for challenge after completing Dynamite Alex :)

This game is basically Dynamite Alex but with different characters and levels. I do like how a bloodthirsty assassin (so bloodthirsty that he ILLEGALLY gambles) was done in the same art style as the Powerpuff Girls. I hardly understood the story because I kept accidentally skipping through it. If I were you, I'd make a button for skipping the cutscene as well as one for advancing it. The difficulty is much like Dynamite Alex, but even more insane. I understand the game's supposed to be challenging, but the player should feel like they're at fault for messing up, not the game. I think the biggest offender is the hazardous snowballs dropped by the blue golem's flying heads in the snow level, as they look like the snowflakes in the background. There's never a dull moment, but you'd certainly wish there was! [4/5]

now can you make moms spaghetti the video game?


Blitz Action Assassin (COMMISSIONED)

Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

Commissioned by deviantart user "PPGXRRBLover", Blitz Action Assassin is an action-platformer starring her Powerpuff Girls OC (original character), Blitz.

He's young and pint-sized, but Blitz doesn't back down on his mission to defeat an evil con man going by the name of a rather mysterious "Mr. Lark"!

-In case of emergancy, press W to restart the level from the beginning OR press R to restart from the last checkpoint you touched-

Special Thanks to teknoaxe and kevvviiinnn for music composition, and Zachary Wiebe for compressing the mp3 filesize.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

UPDATE - Various changes

My second commissioned project!

And itโ€™s an action-platformer similar to one of my games from last year, Dynamite Alex, except with new levels and new ways to challenge the player!