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Version: 0.3.118 months ago

If you've stumbled upon this page, what's up? How you doing? I'm good thanks, for asking. What is this page about? Idk, some dumb game I'm making. But since you're here, you might have some questions (or not, I can't really read your mind).

What is BlueScreen?

BlueScreen in a top down shooter with big emphasis in bullet hell, so you'll spend more time dodging random crap than shooting but this is subject to change as I'm still ironing the gameplay concepts.

Ok, so what is it about?

This game tells the story of our main character, Heiden, as he ventures through both the physical and virtual world, fighting against enemies as he tries to find out what happened to his friend. (This is as much as I'm willing to tell you now, but I'll share more in the future, maybe :) )

What game engine are you using?

I am using Godot 4! Originally I was using Game Maker but after I ported the game to Game Maker 2, some changes were made to the methods of paying for the engine which I very much disliked, so I just decided to bite the bullet and remake the game in another engine. Originally tried Unity (lmao dodged a bullet there) but Godot seemed better and more user friendly, at least for me, and I recommend it to anyone trying to get into game dev.

Can you share some art?

Yessir! Here, have a lil fellow:


I'd love to share more art, but I changed a lot of the game lore so the art I had previously made doesn't really apply to the game anymore (that and I believe I've grown as an artist and as such I'm not very fond of the old art). Do let me know if you wanna see it though as I'd be happy to share! For now, you can find any current art all the way up in the page.

Will it be free?

As much as I'd like for everyone to experience my first "big" project for free, capitalism is a bitch, so I'll have to sell it. But don't worry, I won't be asking too much for it, I think at most $10 would be fair but only time will tell. I will be sharing free demos though throughout the development of the game.

Not a question, just my Discord!

If you've read this far, you're awesome! Thank you so much for bearing with me. If you'd like to follow the project more closely join my discord server, where I share a lot of updates to keep everyone up with what I'm doing. I'm very open to feedback and I'd love to receive yours as well, so come hang out!

Also if you'd like follow my page, just click this text, it looks exactly the same but it's on a different website!!!

Visibility tags:

#shooter #bullethell #bullet_hell #rpg #scifi #other #retro #strategy #action #fast_paced #adventure

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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