
Comments (2)

What do you think?

It gave me depression and cancer. Never beaten easy but it is a fun game. 10/10

DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!! My cousin downloaded it and shortly after jumped out of the window and is currently hospitalized.

it's a platformer with some funny movement
you are playing as orange with multiplying amount of chromosomes called bob
this game full version will also be free :D (I'm not taking payment for someone suffering)

BOB's discord:


Lates Update:

-Fixed Circle BOB not colliding with spkes

-Fixed Hide BOB mode working badly with circle & triangle BOB

Lates Update:

-Made Quit game button disappear on create button click

-"Fixed" BOB flying off screen in menu

-Fixed not unlocking buttons

-Fixed one of the last box colliders

-Made game possible to beate on no gravity

I forgot to say that in the latest update I also added hints to getting stars and easter eggs

Lates Update:

-Added Timer

-Added cool back ground in menu

-Added "Quiting Button"

-Change some stuff in code

-Added 2 new ester eggs [Small mode] [Hide Bob mode]

-Added signs

-Fixed bug, that when you first time spawn in game, you land above spikes

+ all the things in updates that where deleted

(Part 2 of post)