Bomb Climb
This is a game about bombs and climbing them. Why climb them? Let me tell you the game story that Appears no where in game and has no meaning whatsoever!
In the land of Quat, there are people who are only circles. These circles are the protectors of the realm, but also the adventurers. The little circle who this game is about, is named Mikey. Mikey was blue, and in the land of Quat, blue is a bad color. Mikey didn't care though. Mikey wanted to be an adventurer all his life. Now, he's come to age, which is 700. He has learned much and is ready to embark on his quest. To do that though, he must pass the bomb trials which no one thinks he can do because he's blue and it's never been done before. Help little Mikey achieve his goals, and get a high score in the process!