Created for Ludum Dare 48!
Click to start!
Move hand: Mouse, Arrow Keys, WASD (mouse is faster)
Press button: Left Mouse Button, Spacebar
You start as a bomb defusal robot. The buttons below the bomb will highlight in a specific pattern (think "Simon Says"). Push the first button that was highlighted in the pattern.
After pushing the first button, you switch to the bomb squad unit that is controlling the robot. In order to tell the robot to push the next button, you must enter the command as indicated on the right.
The message in the top left indicates the pattern that the person below you has to enter. Keep in mind the first button in that pattern has already been pressed.
Repeat this process until you are at the highest rank. Then you can enter the entire command and finally work your way back down the chain.
You have 2 minutes.
This game is very unpolished. There is no main menu and no way to quit. Use Alt+F4 (Windows) or Cmd+Q (macOS) to quit.
3D Models: Tadeocore
Development: AndrewDavidJ
Music & Sound: Tronz