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The Booksand Cursed (V.1.2)
The Booksand Cursed V1.6
New Update 1.6 witch URP,HD Rendering but pixel,fix the problems black screen
A desperate man decides to steal a holy book from the top of a monastery, to pay off debts and recover his honest farm#horror
WASD move
mouse look
space jump
Shift Run
F interact
E/Q Look at corners
Inventory tab
C/Ctrl Crouch
RightClick Zoom
Third person game with retro aesthetics / Psx, Survival horror set in Tibet
Un hombre desesperado decide robar un libro sagrado de lo alto de un monasterio, para saldar deudas y recuperar su honesta granja
WASD moverse
Raton Mirar
Espacio Saltar
Shift Correr
F Interactuar
E/Q Mirar esquinas
Tab Inventario
C/Ctrl Agacharse
ClickDerecho Zoom
Juego en tercera persona con estetica retro/Psx,Survival horror ambientado en el Tibet
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
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