Comments (15)
Brad has a pain: brad has a beltboy style

is this just brad with a sword or is there something more?
I litteraly cried when Guy Minetti went home
made an account just to let you know the game breaks at the motorcycle segment and doesn't let you hop jumps
LISA: Brad Has A Pain - Brad Has A Sword
"This is a fan-work of the LISA series. This project assumes that you have already played the LISA series, which can be found here:
This project is not being made with any affiliation to Serenity Forge or Dingaling and does not represent either entity."
LISA: The Painful, by Austin Jorgensen
LISA: Brad Has A Pain, by Scary Lemon
LISA: The Pointless, by EdvinasKandrotas
LISA: The Vegaful, by Frowgurt
LISA: The Bashful, by DoYouSellVHS
LISA: The Joyful - Arkantos, by Clovis I Merovingian
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Crass Humor