
Comments (3)

What do you think?

the game was laggy for me, and I think that the narration is a bit wrong, but I included it in part 52 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

This game is so funny! 5/5

helo i am nadem i am profecional revyoo who r tryin 2 show teh lies of teh media tiem 4 revyoo
storey - braev spaes persin [bsp] r a man who represints merica he invayd all plaeces bcus greed 8/8 meta4 4 society
gaemplay - bsp r a prety col guy he shot alien adn doesnt afreid of anythign 6/8 pls put hitmarkr 4 imersion also pls maek sure luek skywanker is faithful 2 teh originil star trek
grafix - y r teh ships untextured 3/8
17/8 wud only recomedn if u lieked the originil star war



Version: 3.0.0over 10 years ago

In BraveSpacePerson you take on a hostile alien flagship in an epic, three-dimensional battle, and attempt to come out on top. This space shooter features satisfying explosions in Unreal Engine 4, drone minions with AI, and controls that allow you to make the most out of the 3D environment.

This game was developed for the #indiesvspewdiepie jam.

Mild Fantasy Violence
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