
Comments (2)

What do you think?


Id love to see what this game will tourn out!


bri0: a simple(ish) exploration game in a world that looks like someone has opened a 3D rendering application and attacked their keyboard with a hammer. Being (nearly) 100% created by a one man team (me), bri0 has a combination on influences; the music of Autechre, exploration games such as Dear Esther and Kairo and the vastness and tangledness of Manchester, the city I live in.

The main goal of the game isn't to find an object in the world but rather the world itself: to explore the length and bredth of the land just seeing the sights and listening to the music (or not if you don't like the music) and just losing yourself in another place for a while.

Now, on the development side of things, bri0 is nowhere even near playable right now but I am working as best as I can to build a proof-of-conceptish demo that people can try out. As things stand I need to do the following:

*Finish the movement and looking controls: as this is a game based largely on looking around and exploring I want the exploring to be as varied as possible, sometime requiring people to crouch under things to find stuff and suchlike, and the seeing I want to have some degree of a 'focus' function or something.

*Finish the GUI: the GUI will be minimal (with a reticle and a pause menu and thats about it). The reticle won't necessarily be for interaction purposes but so people don't get overly dizzy (I don't suffer from motion sickness with video games so I don't personally know what to do to fix it for those who do but I'd rather do something than nothing). There won't be any map to speak of (but an/some ingame item(s) I have planned will help navigation. I dunno if this is UI related but I'm debating whether or not to have footstep/walking animation whatsits for authenticity. i probably won't implement that but i'm thinking about it.

*Finish the world: Well obviously. This'll take the most time as the world will be big and really open: I know for a fact I won't be able the make the world look nice/interesting with texture so i'll make it look nice/interesting with formation.

*Finish the sounds: I was a music maker (not composer or musician or any proper name, music maker) before I made games so I have the soundtrack covered. Whilst the game will be light hearted, i've composed the soundtrack to emphasize the bigness of the world and the loneliness of the... you. However I am also working to narrate the game as best I can, making observations on your progress, explaining what to do and such so you don't go mental from lack of companionship. Alot of exploration games have narration and are still rather lonely feeling though so i'll have to be good at it.

*Make it look presentable: I use a terrible laptop (as I haven't the pennies for a nice desktop) so forgive me if the world looks naff: my machine doesn't understand anti aliasing and such so I can tell how it would look with all ntistropic filters on and such. Thats up to my testers to tell me I suppose.

I think thats it... i'll upload video and screenshots when I make enough of the world to make them worthwhile. I intend to get the game onto a platform like Desura or something when it's finished BUT the Demo will be different to the main game, a proof-of-concept as I said. I'll build it enough so it's a game in itself, I just need some time to work upon it. So, please have a look at the screenshots I upload, please tell me what you think of the idea and... yeah. That's it really.

Thanks for your time.


Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!